2003 | Kreepy, Holiday, Hamtaro, Hulk (movie)


2003 saw the release of the Halloween series of Kilk dispensers known as Kreepy Kliks.  There are seven Kreepy Kliks plus an additional six variations shown below, giving 13 total:
  1. Pumpkin (Jack-o-Lantern), Kreepy on sticker
  2. Skeleton (white), Kreepy on sticker
  3. Mummy (yellow face, brown stem), Kreepy on sticker 
  4. Mummy (yellow face, black stem), Kreepy on sticker
  5. Skeleton (gray), Kreepy on sticker
  6. Mummy (purple), Kreepy on sticker
  7. Skeleton (green), Kreepy on sticker
  8. Skeleton (orange), Horror on sticker
  9. Skeleton (white), Horror on sticker
  10. Mummy (yellow), Horror on sticker
  11. Pumpkin (Jack-o-Lantern), No writing on sticker
  12. Skeleton (white), No writing on sticker
  13. Mummy (yellow), No writing on sticker
The first three dispensers are common.  However, the next four are very rare.  The purple mummy sold at auction for $75 in 2011 according to this link.  Scroll down to see photos of the elusive purple mummy and green skeleton.  If you have a photo of the gray skeleton then please let me know because I'd love to include it here.

The dispensers with Horror instead of Kreepy were released in 2008 and are also quite rare.  Scroll down for photos.  The writing on the back of the blister card is in Hebrew.  The orange skeleton is still available to buy on-line here.

The dispensers with no writing on the sticker were released in 2013 and come in a variety of different bags (Zombies, Frankenstein, etc.).

Be sure to watch the entertaining video below featuring the white skeleton.  You get a demo of the Kreepy Klik's "movable face" and get to see Smarties loaded in the dispenser.  Note that the Canadian host refers to Smarties as Rockets in the video, as they are known in Canada.


In 2003 a new Christmas series was released.  This time not Nutcrackers, but three new dispensers:
  1. Santa
  2. Reindeer (Rudolph)
  3. Snowman
Moving Santa's hat ball, Reindeer's antlers, and Snowman's hat ball cause side-to-side movement of Santa's beard, Reindeer's bells, and Snowman's tongue.  This is depicted in the first graphic.  These Christmas Kliks and the Kreepy Kliks, also released in 2003, are the first "interactive" Klik dispensers.

Note that it is "Holiday", not "Christmas", that appears on the counter display and cards, as shown in the last photo below.


The Hamtaro series was released in 2003 and there are three Klik dispensers: 

  1. Bijou (pink sticker, white stem)
  2. Hamtaro (orange sticker, yellow stem)
  3. Maxwell (blue sticker, blue stem)

Hulk (movie)

One of the most valuable and rare Klik dispensers is the Hulk Movie dispenser, which was released in 2003.  Apparently, the dispenser was not available in the United States, but was available in the United Kingdom and Australia (see back of card below).  The dispenser was released to coincide with the Hulk movie from 2003.  

It's interesting that while the front of the card does display KLIK, Au'some is not found anywhere on the front or back of the card.  Instead, the Kinnerton company is listed on the back.

Another interesting tidbit... the back of the card mentions "will take Swizzels Matlow Fizzers too!".  Fizzers are candies (photo below) similar to Smarties, but are made in the U.K. by Swizzels-Matlow.


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